Feel peace and joy in minutes using your vibrational field.

Reduce the swings between anxiety and depression in 10 minutes a day using two simple practices.

Real Experiences

"Thank you for helping me snap out of that constantly negative frame not only with the home, but also the car. Thank you, thank you, thank you."


"The connection to the core of my art practice came back... I was looking elsewhere outside but it is within my soul. So grateful for the connection and thank you Yana!"


"Thank you for this powerful practice. I feel extremely grounded. Such a wonderful way to quiet the chatter in your mind and get back to the heart."


It's hard being an adult.

The world expects you to repress your feelings—yet the same world keeps pushing your buttons.

The result?

Feeling trapped in cycles of anxiety, depression, and more.

Unchecked, these emotions burst out of our inner world and affect our loved ones.

Anxiety and depression turn into anger.

We hurt those we care about most.

We start feeling bad about feeling bad.

The cycle repeats.

Over time, our physical health suffers.

How Can You Stop This Spiral?

By Clearing the Vibrational Fields of Your Heart and Soul.

In this soul power pack, you get two simple practices:

A practice that clears the heart chakra—the spiritual and emotional heart center—through visualization, vibrational sounds, and tapping.

Make space for stuck emotions to release.

A forgiveness practice that gets to the root of anxiety and depression, to let go of negative messages in your vibrational field.

It's like "taking a shower" for the soul.

With repetition, these two practices can help you shift out of anxiety & depression, creating moments of inner joy and peace.

How It Works

  • Sign up to receive free guided practices on video and audio.

  • Follow the simple visualization, mantras, and tapping movements.

  • Repeat for 10–15 minutes (or more) daily to sustain the effects!

  • BONUS: Because these practices lighten the vibration of your heart and soul, they can help transform other negative emotions too.

The Key: 4 Power Techniques


Your soul is the boss of your being. Leverage soul power to open up your vibrational field and make the other techniques work more effectively.

VERY FEW people in the world know this secret!


Simple positions and tapping movements that anyone can adapt to their body’s abilities.


Visualizations that make it easy to boost your vibrational field where you need it.

Did we mention they’re simple?


Vibrational sounds that target your foundational energy centers.

Your Guides

Yanan Wu, MFA, Tao Calligraphy Teacher & Master Practitioner, Soul Communicator, Certificate in Initiatic Art Therapy

Hardeep Kharbanda, MFA, Tao Calligraphy Teacher & Master Practitioner, Soul Communicator, Licensed Massage Therapist

We’re Yanan and Hardeep, a couple on a healing journey since 2007 when we fell in love. We’ve grown together through some wild experiences—becoming Yoga teachers and Reiki Masters, losing two pregnancies, giving up our comfortable lives to move to Hawaii, then letting go again and returning to the Eastern US after ten years.

In Hawaii, we found Dr. & Master Sha, who connected us deeper with our souls’ purpose and continues to empower us as healers and teachers to this day.

Whether working at our jobs (in media production and marketing), serving clients for their healing, or pursuing spiritual growth, we’ve found that we can flow in sync with each other and with the outer universe only by nurturing and healing the inner world of one’s soul, heart, mind, and body.

Today, as the world gets increasingly chaotic, we see people burning out with anxiety, depression, fatigue, chronic pain, and other modern-day illnesses. We realized the root cause is a disconnect from one’s inner universe, especially the soul. We started Inner Universe Mastery as a way to serve you and others in restoring that connection—bringing joy, empowerment, flow, and purpose to all.


Asked Questions

I can’t sit still or meditate. Can I still do these practices?

These practices are active and don’t require you to quiet your mind. This way, they can be done standing up or sitting.

Whether you feel anything in the beginning or not, keep practicing. Because the 4 power techniques entrain your vibrational field, and over time, in Master Sha’s words, “quantity turns into quality.”

This means you get attuned to these practices and can shift your internal state more easily, going deeper into the positive vibrations.

Will this work for panic attacks and severe depression?

These practices can make a difference for anyone, giving you a boost from your current emotional state.

However, if you’re suffering from panic attacks or severe depression, reach out to us. We can offer higher frequency light transmissions and practice guidance tailored to your condition.

You can book a personal consultation here.

Can I practice anywhere?

In the beginning, follow along with the videos till the techniques become easy and natural for you. Then, you can take the audio recordings with you to practice anywhere!

Are there side effects?

These practices work by unblocking your vibrational field. No external substances are being brought into the body. In our years of using and teaching these practices, we have not encountered any negative side effects.

During the practices, people report feeling warm or hot, sensing vibrations or tingling in different parts of the body, etc. Sometimes, as blockages are being released, some people feel release in the form of tears, yawning, or coughing. These are temporary signs of release.

Be aware of your body’s sensations, and feel free to adjust your posture and the practice duration and intensity as needed.

How long can I access the practices?

Once you sign up, you will have lifetime access to the video and audio practices.



Your investment: 10 minutes a day of practice (it’s okay to skip days—we’re human).

Your return: more inner peace and joy.


Our services and content are to complement, not replace, any treatments you are using for your well-being. The wellness guidance provided here is not a medical diagnosis or treatment. We're confident these methods work, but the results depend on your openness and consistency. Our goal is to help you align your inner vibrational field for more well-being, growth, and purpose. We love you.

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